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Routledge Studies in Early Modern Authorship

About the Series

What did it mean to be an author in early modern England? And what can we recover about the processes and practices of authorship in the period?

Routledge Studies in Early Modern Authorship seeks to publish ground-breaking research into the activities of early modern authors that might consider: the forms, modes, and genres in which they wrote; the readers they wrote for, real, imagined, and hoped for; the conditions in which they worked, including site, space, and materials used; the culture within which they worked, literary, political, religious, historical, etc.; the mediation, transmission, and circulation of their works; the people in the social and/or professional networks of authors, including fellow writers, patrons, censors, printers, publishers, book-sellers, women, etc.; payment, economics, commerce, the marketplace; the forms and practices of co-authorship in the period, including collaboration, adaptation, and translation. The series also invites studies which seek to consider the role of the author more broadly, including theoretical explorations of identity, ownership, anonymity, literariness, truth, originality, creativity, etc., as well as related socio-cultural and religio-political concerns.

Consideration will be given to proposals for monographs, multi-authored studies, and essay collections that help to push research in these areas in new, original directions and help shape the future of the discipline.

3 Series Titles

Per Page

Seeing Shakespeare’s Style

Seeing Shakespeare’s Style

1st Edition

By Douglas Bruster
May 27, 2024

Seeing Shakespeare’s Style offers new ways for readers to perceive Shakespeare and, by extension, literary texts generally. Organized as a series of studies of Shakespeare’s plays and poems, poetry, and prose, it looks at the inner functioning of language and form in works from all phases of this ...

The Printer as Author in Early Modern English Book History John Day and the Fabrication of a Protestant Memory Art

The Printer as Author in Early Modern English Book History: John Day and the Fabrication of a Protestant Memory Art

1st Edition

By William E. Engel
January 29, 2024

This is the first book to demonstrate how mnemotechnic cultural commonplaces can be used to account for the look, style, and authorized content of some of the most influential books produced in early modern Britain. In his hybrid role as stationer, publisher, entrepreneur, and author, John Day, ...

Early Modern Authorship and the Editorial Tradition Shakespeare, Donne, Herbert, and Milton

Early Modern Authorship and the Editorial Tradition: Shakespeare, Donne, Herbert, and Milton

1st Edition

By Aleida Auld
December 12, 2023

This volume adds a new dimension to authorship studies by linking the editorial tradition to the transformative reception of early modern authors and their works across time. Aleida Auld argues that the editorial tradition provides privileged access to the reception of early modern literature, ...

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