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Routledge Library Editions: Peace Studies

About the Series

Routledge Library Editions: Peace Studies (12 Volume set) contains titles originally published between 1928 and 1985. Looking at peace movements and the people involved in them around the world, who seek to learn lessons from war and find solutions to a peaceful existence. It includes titles from a number of well-known pacifists, both pre- and post-war who have influenced ideas and policy throughout the twentieth century.

13 Series Titles

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Routledge Library Editions: Peace Studies 12 Volume Set

Routledge Library Editions: Peace Studies: 12 Volume Set

1st Edition

By Various
July 18, 2019

Routledge Library Editions: Peace Studies (12 Volume set) contains titles, originally published between 1928 and 1985. Looking at peace movements and the people involved in them around the world, who seek to learn lessons from war and find solutions to a peaceful existence. It includes titles from ...

The Bulwarks of Peace and International Justice

The Bulwarks of Peace and International Justice

1st Edition

By Heber L. Hart
July 19, 2021

Originally published in 1918, this book is a primer of the principles of peace. The author urges that the Pact of Locarno involves a risk graver than this country ought to sustain. He attempts to demonstrate that the only effective method of providing against future wars is a covenant for ...

A Lasting Peace

A Lasting Peace

1st Edition

By Maxwell Garnett, H. F. Koeppler
July 12, 2021

First published in 1940, the original blurb reads: Here is an inquiry how to make a just and lasting peace when the danger of further aggression by Herr Hitler’s Germany has been removed. A feature of the book is the stress it lays on Germany’s part in forming and fostering a new world order. When...

Building the Institutions of Peace Swarthmore Lecture 1962

Building the Institutions of Peace: Swarthmore Lecture 1962

1st Edition

By J. Duncan Wood
July 12, 2021

The pacifist principle, so cogently expressed in the Declaration to Charles II, has led succeeding generations of Quakers to consider the application of this principle to international affairs. William Penn’s ‘Essay towards the Present and Future Peace of Europe’, which proposes international ...

Five Views on European Peace

Five Views on European Peace

1st Edition

Edited By Sandi E. Cooper
July 12, 2021

The years of the French Revolution and the Napoleonic conquest of Europe revealed an undeniable conjunction between international war and internal revolution, a combination which both repelled and attracted contemporary and successive generations. Represented in this volume, originally published ...

Oswald Garrison Villard The Dilemmas of the Absolute Pacifist in Two World Wars

Oswald Garrison Villard: The Dilemmas of the Absolute Pacifist in Two World Wars

1st Edition

Edited By Anthony Gronowicz
July 12, 2021

Oswald Garrison Villard (1872–1949) was owner and editor of both the New York Evening Post, and The Nation during the first half of the twentieth century. His career as a pacifist paralleled the buildup of the American military from a minor auxiliary of the state to the "military- industrial ...

Policies for Common Security

Policies for Common Security

1st Edition

By Stockholm International Peace Research Institute
July 12, 2021

The basic idea of common security is not complex. It is that no country can obtain security, in the long run, simply by taking unilateral decisions about its own military forces. This is because security depends also on the actions and reactions of potential adversaries. Security has to be found in...

The Peace Movements in Europe and the United States

The Peace Movements in Europe and the United States

1st Edition

Edited By Werner Kaltefleiter, Robert L. Pfaltzgraff
July 12, 2021

In the early 1980s the peace movements in most of the Western countries captured public attention as never before. This largely resulted from NATO’s decision in 1979 to deploy new medium range missiles in Europe in 1983 if negotiations with the Soviet Union to limit this type of weapon system ...

The Rebel Passion A Short History of Some Pioneer Peace-Makers

The Rebel Passion: A Short History of Some Pioneer Peace-Makers

1st Edition

By Vera Brittain
July 12, 2021

Originally published in 1964, The Rebel Passion endeavours to tell the continuous story, in terms of their ideas and personalities and the vital flame that inspired them, of a group of very different yet spiritually related Christians who sought to confront a world involved in deeper conflict than ...

The Search for Peace

The Search for Peace

1st Edition

By D. W. Bowett
July 12, 2021

Using authoritative extracts from the relevant and important sources at the time, this volume, originally published in 1972, deals with the problems and difficulties of maintaining peace in the world. The control of the use of force remains the most intractable, and yet the most important, problem ...

Towards the Peace of Nations A Study in International Politics

Towards the Peace of Nations: A Study in International Politics

1st Edition

By Hugh Dalton
July 12, 2021

Hugh Dalton was a British Labour Party economist and politician, who served as Chancellor of the Exchequer from 1945 to 1947 under Clement Atlee. After surviving the First World War, he was drawn in to active politics with the belief that, rightly handled, it could put an end to war. This title, ...

War and Democracy Essays on the Causes and Prevention of War

War and Democracy: Essays on the Causes and Prevention of War

1st Edition

By E. F. M. Durbin, John Bowlby, Ivor Thomas, D. P. T. Jay, R. B. Fraser, R. H. S. Crossman, George Catlin
July 12, 2021

Originally published in 1938, this book consists of a group of papers considering widely different subjects, but all bearing upon one social problem – the causation and prevention of war. The authors all occupy the same general political position, they are democratic socialists and active members ...

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