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Routledge Library Editions: Marxism

About the Series

Marxist thought continues to be relevant in the modern world, perhaps to the surprise of those who celebrated the fall of the Berlin Wall with the declaration that democracy and the market had ‘won’ the march of history. This 23-volume set collects together both accounts of the development of Marxism and critiques of its thinking. Out-of-print or had to find, these titles form an essential reference source for the understanding of Marxism in all its varied facets.

23 Series Titles

Per Page

Marxism (RLE Marxism) An Historical and Critical Study

Marxism (RLE Marxism): An Historical and Critical Study

1st Edition

By George Lichtheim
April 07, 2015

This book, first published in 1961 and revised in 1964, is both a critical study of a body of thought and an historical account of how Marxist theory arose from the context of European history in the 19th century. It traces the development of socialist thought from the French to the Russian ...

The Making of Marx's Critical Theory (RLE Marxism) A Bibliographical Analysis

The Making of Marx's Critical Theory (RLE Marxism): A Bibliographical Analysis

1st Edition

By Allen Oakley
April 07, 2015

Marx’s written output was massive. Much of it remained unpublished in his own lifetime and there is still no complete edition of the extant works, although most have been published in one form or another. This book, first published in 1983, provides an analytical guide to the complex chronological ...

Before the Revisionist Controversy (RLE Marxism) Kautsky, Bernstein, and the Meaning of Marxism, 1895-1898

Before the Revisionist Controversy (RLE Marxism): Kautsky, Bernstein, and the Meaning of Marxism, 1895-1898

1st Edition

By H. Kendall Rogers
April 07, 2015

In this book, first published in 1992, the author examines the polemic fought by German Social-Democratic Party leaders and intellectuals Karl Kautsky and Eduard Bernstein against what they perceived to be misunderstandings of Marxism propagated by members of the Social-Democratic Federation (SDF) ...

Karl Marx in his Earlier Writings (RLE Marxism)

Karl Marx in his Earlier Writings (RLE Marxism)

1st Edition

By H.P. Adams
April 07, 2015

This book, originally published in 1940, is primarily intended to tell the English reader what is contained in the earlier works of Marx, with emphasis on what seemed to throw most light on the man and his systematic thought. As such, it is an invaluable contribution to the study of Marx and ...

Karl Marx: Man and Fighter (RLE Marxism)

Karl Marx: Man and Fighter (RLE Marxism)

1st Edition

By Boris Nicolaievsky, Otto Maenchen-Helfen
April 07, 2015

Strife has raged about Karl Marx for decades, and never had it been so embittered as at the time of this book’s first publication, 1936. Marx had impressed his image on the time as not other had done. To some he was – and still is – a fiend, the arch-enemy of human civilisation, and the prince of ...

Kritsman and the Agrarian Marxists (RLE Marxism)

Kritsman and the Agrarian Marxists (RLE Marxism)

1st Edition

Edited By Terry Cox, Gary Littlejohn
April 07, 2015

Of all the scholarly work on the countryside done in pre-1917 Russia and in the Soviet Union in the 1920s, that of L.N. Kritsman and those influenced by him – the so-called ‘Agrarian Marxists’ – is perhaps the least well known. However, that work was of extremely high quality and very original. Its...

Marx's Proletariat (RLE Marxism) The Making of a Myth

Marx's Proletariat (RLE Marxism): The Making of a Myth

1st Edition

By David W. Lovell
April 07, 2015

George Orwell wrote in Nineteen Eighty Four that ‘If there is hope, it lies in the proles.’ A century earlier Marx was unequivocal: the future belonged to the proletariat. Today such confidence might seem misplaced. The proletariat has not yet fulfilled Marx’s expectations, and seems unlikely ever ...

Marxism & the Open Mind (RLE Marxism)

Marxism & the Open Mind (RLE Marxism)

1st Edition

By John Lewis
April 07, 2015

It has been said that the normal English reaction to uncomfortable facts of life, such as Marxism, is an embarrassed but determined silence. That anyone should experience a desire to enquire into ideas as such, and to probe into the motives influencing them, seems extraordinary. Marxism is, however...

Marxism's Retreat from Africa (RLE Marxism)

Marxism's Retreat from Africa (RLE Marxism)

1st Edition

Edited By Arnold Hughes
April 07, 2015

The collapse of Marxism in much of the Third World as well as Europe was so sudden and spectacular that it is hard to believe that in the space of seven years The Journal of Communist Studies could bring out special issues both on the creation of ‘Military Marxist Regimes in Africa’, and on their ...

The Communist Ideal in Hegel and Marx (RLE Marxism)

The Communist Ideal in Hegel and Marx (RLE Marxism)

1st Edition

By David MacGregor
April 07, 2015

One reader has called this study, first published in 1984, ‘easily the best book on the relation of Hegel to Marx’. With spirited argument, MacGregor demonstrates that Hegelian logic suited Marx’s purpose so well because it already contained the unique elements that later appeared in Marx’s social ...

The Philosophy of Marx (RLE Marxism)

The Philosophy of Marx (RLE Marxism)

1st Edition

By William Leon McBride
April 07, 2015

This book, first published in 1977, presents for the first time a serious and systematic assessment of Marx primarily as a philosopher. It considers all major aspects of Marx’s theory – its methodology, its ontological dimensions, its approaches to the descriptions of history and of societies and ...

Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels (RLE Marxism) An Analytical Bibliography

Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels (RLE Marxism): An Analytical Bibliography

1st Edition

By Cecil L. Eubanks
April 07, 2015

The project to publish the works of Marx and Engels continues, and this book, published in 1984, puts together a comprehensive bibliography of their works either written in or translated into English, including books, monographs, articles, chapters and doctoral dissertations, together with the ...

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